
Sophie T’s Love Story

The donors of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund made it possible to keep us all together as a family. We were convinced that in a very short amount of time we were going to have to say goodbye to Sophie. Thanks to you, we have hope; she has a chance to live a happy life full […]


Jolene’s Love Story

“Defeat and heartbreak became hope and overwhelming gratitude when we found out the donors of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund were going to save our girl. You are the light in one of my rainiest days. Thank you. God bless you.” Jolene’s Family   Our sweet pup moved in and instantly became the grandkids’ protector.  And […]


Callie H’s Love Story

“The donors of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund are a blessing. Without you, Petey would have been dead. We would have been devastated. My children were inconsolable. My wife was anxious. I felt guilty. Our older dog just laid behind her bed waiting dejectedly. You are the answer to our prayers. While Petey is moving slowly as he recovers, he’s still busy giving each of us a turn with him on our laps. We couldn’t be happier or more thankful. Neither could he.”

Turbo’s Love Story

“Stepping on my baby was one of the worst days of my life… He’s just a puppy and he has so much life left to live. You kind folks who donate are saving my Turbo, my kids and me.”

Toby E’s Love Story

“Toby is my best friend. I’ve never felt more like I was letting someone down, not being able to
give back to him the way he gives to everyone else—and always to me. Life would be so empty and lonely without him. A million thank yous to all the people who give to make a miracle like yours happen. You have not only saved his life but the quality of mine as well.”

Charlie H’s Love Story

“We are beyond grateful and super excited to get our sweet Charbaby back—happy, healthy—alive! You have saved my kids from so much suffering. I can’t put into words the relief, joy and gratitude I have for your fund and all the kind people who support it.”

Nanami’s Love Story

“All of you at Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund made the difference between happy and broken hearts. We are so incredibly grateful to all your donors for keeping our family together by making all this possible. Thank you!”

Monkey’s Love Story

“I may have trouble speaking due to my cancer, but I want you to hear how grateful I am to have the help of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund and all your people who care about how important Monkey is to me. It is a blessing from God that thanks to you I still have my precious Monkey. I can’t put into words how happy and grateful I am to receive this funding for my baby. My companion.”

Bob Bob’s Love Story

“If it weren’t for the supporters of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund, people with such love and compassion, I would not be writing this now. You are such blessings. Thank you for saving me from having to say goodbye. I will be forever grateful for this blessing.”

Jett’s Love Story

“We thought we would have to put our beloved Jett down because we couldn’t afford the surgery to unblock him so he could urinate again. He was in so much pain and he looked just terrible. All I could do was cry. Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund, and all of you that donate to it, are a prayer answered. You will never truly know how much you have done for our family. Bless you. We are FOREVER grateful!”