As you may know, requests for help from Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund must come:
- from a veterinarian who is already familiar with your pet.
- On behalf of a resident of Montgomery or Greene county in Ohio
We are a young organization, trying to help with big bills, and we just don't have the funding yet to stretch beyond that.
Check with your vet to see if they partner with us. If not, and you are local, try these links:
A helpful website for finding specific types of veterinary funding is Pet Help Finder You put in your zip code and can set filters for things like emergency services, payment plans, etc.
Tips for Using Crowdfunding
*If you choose to do crowdfunding, you will be most successful if you head it with a picture of (your pet) looking right into the camera. That way it'll make a connection with viewers. Then start the description with what you're asking for--- something like: Please help us get (name) the treatment she needs so that we don't have to put her to sleep! She is such an important member of our family. or, As an animal lover, you know how much she means to our family & how desperately we want to help her. Then give a couple of short examples of how she snuggles with your daughter (or something else endearing ). Describe what needs done.
Lastly, thank folks for understanding & for considering helping.

Again, I'm sorry for your stress over finding care for your sick family member. I hope some of these resources help you to find what you need.
Juli Burnell, Executive Director