
“We were at an end in being able to get care for my baby and then you came out of nowhere, giving us back our kitty’s life.  When they brought him to me after four days of being apart, he gingerly crawled up on my shoulder and tucked his head under my chin.  When he does that now at home, with his baby clothes on to protect his incision, and that silly cone around his neck, I still cry realizing how grateful I am to have all my family together as we weather all the changes in our lives.”


I’m hearing lots of fuss from area dogs about having to walk their people too often during this stay at home time.  I don’t get it.  I LOVE it when my folks put on my harness and get out my leash.  I get to go new places and see things from different perspectives (like the top of the boulder at the entrance to Glen Helen”check out my cool photo).  And I get to meet lots of new people.  In fact, I’m kind of insulted if everyone we meet on the trail doesn’t stop to say hi to me.

Oops, pardon my lack of manners.  Let me introduce myself. I’m Teioh.  I joined my family because my Dad already had a cat and my Mom wanted a special friend too.  This place called the Humane Society put me in a pet store with some buddies.  They all got adopted and I was the only one left! Really I was just waiting for my Mom to find me.  As soon as she her sister (who I adore!) came in I started talking to them rubbing to let them know I was theirs.

I have LOTS of favorite things to do with my family!  Like I said before, I love walking in the woods on my leash.  My best place to hang out is around my Mom’s neck.  Sometimes I even stand on her shoulders and play œking of the mountain.  I like to play fetch”well, to chase the toys at least.  My Mom says she loves that I have a  personality like a dog, oh and also that she adores my œold man whiskers.  I don’t get offended cuz I know she means those things as compliments.

My Mom REALLY needs me as a œbestie.  My brother, (originally my Dad’s older cat), counts on me too.  We’re pretty much inseparable.   So when I stopped chirping for my wet food.  Then stopped eating.  Then started throwing up and crying.  And THEN developed a fever of 104, the whole family was frantic. They rushed me to this bright, noisy place, where the doctor said I had an œobstruction and that if I didn’t have surgery I would die.

My folks would do anything for me but they didn’t have that much money.  They don’t  have their jobs right now.  Their families don’t either.  We’re all about to move in to our first house so they couldn’t even apply for that credit thing.  I could tell they were really upset.  I wanted to comfort them but all I could do was lie there.

But wait!  There’s a happy ending!  It got arranged that I would have surgery at my regular vet (Miami Valley Animal Hospital) ˜s office.  They partner with Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund”I like the name, even if it is headed by a dog.  I heard Mom tell Dad that now they could still enjoy the excitement of our first

house because the WHOLE family would be moving into it.  I’m home and healing nicely.  It’s tough to tuck my head under Mom’s chin to cuddle and sleep with the big plastic thing I’m wearing around my head, but we’re managing.  I’d say we’re a true happily-ever-after.  Wouldn’t you?

Note from Teioh’s Mom:

We were at an end in being able to get care for my baby and then you came out of nowhere, giving us back our kitty’s life.  When they brought him to me after four days of being apart, he gingerly crawled up on my shoulder and tucked his head under my chin.  When he does that now at home, with his baby clothes on to protect his incision, and that silly cone around his neck, I still cry realizing how grateful I am to have all my family together as we weather all the changes in our lives.