
“When I found out that Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund was going to help us, it took my breath away. The thought that people that I don’t even know care enough to keep my family together just blows me away. If I could, I would shake each and every one of your hands.”
– Chunk’s Dad


A message from Chunk’s dad…

Chunk is my best friend. I know lots of people say that about their dogs but it’s different for me. He’s been with me through the Marines, PTSD, panic attacks, losing buddies to suicide and accidents. He settles me down when I am overcome with rage. He carries my burdens. For 2 years after I lost my leg, I just laid in bed and he never left my side. In fact, he used to lay over my stump to protect it.

Little did I know it at the time, but buying him on Craig’s list was the luckiest day of my life. The lady who sold him to me said he was8 weeks old. I got him home he kept runninginto things. I thought he wasn’t quite right so I took him to the vet and that’s when I found out he was only 4 weeks old and his puppy cataracts were giving him trouble seeing clearly.

When his vision sharpened, I was the first thing he saw. We’ve been bonded ever since! He my younger dog Trey I now spend our days hiking and running and playing and just always being together.

So, when Chunk started limping and hesitating to go, I knew something was terribly wrong. I could tell he missed hiking and Trey I missed him terribly too. I only have one leg so I know how much it sucks to hobble around in pain.

I took him to the vet and she said he had a torn ACL in his knee that would require surgery to fix. Seeing a surgeon was beyond my budget but Paws Inn generously made that happen. But the surgeon said BOTH his knees had torn ligaments! My heart sank. I love my boy and I just want him to be happy. I knew he never would be if he couldn’t run but instead had to spend the rest of his life limping around in pain. Since there was no way I could afford the surgery, I was going to have to put him to sleep. I couldn’t imagine going on without him.

When I found out that Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund was going to help us, it took my breath away. The thought that people that I don’t even know care enough to keep my family together just blows me away. If I could, I would shake each and every one of your hands.

You know, dogs are just happy to be here. Each moment to them is all there is. Thanks to you, Chunk is still here to continue to remind me of that. When my past threatens to take meaway, he calms me and shows me a bigger perspective.


You have given him back his life and in the process you have done the same for me. Thank you!