With the help of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund, the financial support was there to get our sweet boy through his emergency and back home with us where he belongs! You saved his life. We’ll be thankful to you for the rest of our lives.
Binx’s Mom Dad
Binx’s life was saved when ERDF funded the emergency procedures which alleviated his urinary obstruction, keeping him cuddling with his Mom who was recovering from brain surgery.
A Letter from Binx’s Mom Dad:
Binx is our boy! The best snuggler, best gymnast, best comedian we’d ever want. When we enter the room where his cat tree is, he sprints to the top and then kicks furiously with his back feet. I wonder sometimes if he’s saying œdo you want a piece of this? Then there are his routines with the water bowl. He always has to dip each front paw in the water before he takes a drink. He prefers to amass some drinking buddies as well”a mouse toy must always be dropped in the bowl to give the water the right flavor ïŠ. Who can witness that routine and not chuckle?
Then there’s his primary œjob. I (his Mom) contracted meningitis when I was 18, which left me unable to hear. I’ve since had to have Auditory Brain Implant surgery to get some of my hearing back.. That surgery was about to happen when Binx had his crisis. Whenever I’m recovering from health issues, especially one as big as that, Binx takes up his post on top of me until he cuddles me back to health. He keeps me company. He makes me feel better. He gives me hope.
We’ve had some challenging times in our lives but Binx has always been there to comfort us and make us smile. We were frantic when we noticed that he was having trouble urinating! We knew how life-threatening that could be! We took him for help right away, but emergency room visits are expensive. We were determined to be there for him, the same way he’s always been for us.
With the help of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund, the financial support was there to get our sweet boy through his emergency and back home with us where he belongs! You saved his life. We’ll be thankful to you for the rest of our lives.
Binx’s Mom Dad