Diabetes in Dogs & Cats

Diabetes in Dogs Cats Byline Although we probably don’t think about it too often, our pets can get diabetes just like us. In fact, it’s very common in cats and dogs and is even on the rise in both species. However, just because your beloved furbaby has diabetes, they can still lead a happy and […]

Allergies in Pets

Allergies in Pets For many of us, the struggle with allergies is all too real. Whether our allergies are seasonal or persist year-round, we have to find ways to cope. Our four-legged family members can suffer from allergies too. Allergens can affect the immune systems of our dogs and cats, but their manifestation may be […]

Could Your Pet Be Suffering from Arthritis?

Careful Movement May Signal Osteoarthritis Have you recently noticed that your pet has been more carefully getting up and laying down, limping, and just moving more slowly in general? It could be a result of a number of different ailments, but one in particular could be a form of osteoarthritis. Just like in humans, our […]

You Mean Their Stomach Can Kill Them?

Dog Bloat Have you ever heard of bloat? Medically known as Gastric Dilation and Volvulus syndrome (GDV), it is a life-threatening condition that primarily affects large, deep-chested dogs and some cats. Commonly called bloat or torsion, this condition occurs when your pet’s stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid, sometimes even twisting.  The stomach expands […]

Pet First Aid

Pet First Aid Have you ever wondered what to do when dealing with a pet emergency? What happens when your dog, Fido, gets a cut from running in the woods with you? What should you do if your cat, Fluffy, suddenly stops breathing? All sorts of activities can lead to your furry pal getting an […]

What are these lumps & bumps on my pet?

Article courtesy of Vetstreet.com. We’ve all been there¦ your pet seems fine, and then all of a sudden, a new lumpy, bumpy mass pops up on his body, seemingly overnight. Sometimes these lumps and bumps can be caused by wounds, but other times they can be warts or other types of growths. Whatever the reason […]

Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism: Cats vs Dogs

Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism: Cats vs Dogs Just like people, cats and dogs also have thyroid glands located in their necks that secrete hormones that regulate their metabolisms; if the hormone is low, then the metabolism will be low, if the hormone is high, the metabolism is also high. When it comes to thyroid disease in […]

Keep Them Smiling!

Is a dog’s mouth cleaner than a human’s? Is it normal for your pet to have bad breath? Do you know what the #1 cause of pet illness is? If you’re like most people, you’re not excited about going to the dentist. You probably figure your pet won’t be either. Maybe you think you don’t […]

Deciding on Treatment for Your Pet

READ MOSHA’S LOVE STORY Should I?…Deciding On Treatment for Your Sick/Injured Pet Disclaimer: You may find yourself wanting to skip this article. These questions can feel hard. It’s tempting to avoid them. That is, until you can’t. We know you want to take the best care of your furry family yourself that you can. This […]

Pets Can Get Tetanus Too!

Pets Can Get Tetanus Too! You have probably heard of tetanus, and may remember getting a tetanus shot every 10 years or so, but did you know that dogs and cats can contract tetanus too? Rest assured it is rare for dogs, and even more so for cats, to contract it because they are far […]