"Then you stepped in. You’re giving him a chance. He doesn’t have to die because he was being a cat and ate some string and floss. You—people we don’t even know—you’re giving us hope. Thank you for giving us hope. Thank you for helping us to keep our family together."
Connor's Family
Connor was my first Baby. My husband and I weren’t having any luck getting pregnant but this little rescue kitten joined our family and took over our hearts.
My friend had found him and his 12 siblings under a log in a nearby woods. We just went to see all those kittens—not to get one. Yay, right…

As soon as we saw him we had to have him. He was the chubbiest of the 13. He was doing a Cindy Crawford impression with a hair that looked like a mole on his nose. We fell in love and here we are 12 years later as much in love as ever!
After seven years, my human son came along. And we saw another side of Connor to love. Turns out he was fiercely protective of our baby. He’s very in-tune with emotions. If he hears a child crying, he’s right in there rubbing on them to comfort them. If he hears anyone being loud, he’s immediately on the job blocking them from getting any closer.
Recently, he started acting lethargic and getting sick. When he stopped being a lover we knew he was in trouble. Exploratory surgery yielded “about ten years of string and carpet fibers”, according to the vet. But the thing that was strangling his gut was a giant ball of dental floss.
When we brought him home, he seemed to be on the road to recovery. We were relieved and my son was ecstatic. He’d been lonely without his nap buddy. But then Connor started struggling again. The vet told us that now he has an abdominal infection.

We had used up all our funds getting him through surgery. And going back to the vet every 2-3 days since trying to manage the infection. But we were stuck. Had we come this far, only to lose him now? What would we tell our son? How could we say goodbye to our “first baby”?
Then you stepped in. You’re giving him a chance. He doesn’t have to die because he was being a cat and ate some string and floss. You—people we don’t even know—you’re giving us hope. Thank you for giving us hope. Thank you for helping us to keep our family together.