Squishy’s Love Story

squishy, mom, good eye contact, use

"We went from grieving our boy and preparing to say goodbye to being astounded that he was going to live to keep making us feel loved. It is a miracle. YOU are a miracle. Thank you does not seem adequate to express our gratitude and relief." ~ Squishy's Mom

Hi. I’m Squishy.

Yep, my name says it all. My FAVORITE thing is cuddling with my people. I love settling in next to them. There’s nothing better than a good squish.

I first met my folks when they came to the Humane Society, where I was hanging out. They called me Kitten Bob. I was ready to be out of there! When my dad walked through the door, I loved him right away. When he picked me up, I head-bumped him. Then, just to make sure he understood he was being chosen, I reached up and gently touched his face.

squishy, good eye contact, use
squishy, sibling cat, cuddling

That did the trick! I went home with my new family and immediately set about teaching them how to be “chill". I’m with one or the other of them all the time. Dad needed me to help him get over the death of his last kitty. Mom needed me to distract her after a hard days with sick cats and dogs at work.

I am always up to the task! I stalk and hit my mouse back and forth with them to make them laugh. (Only MY special mouse, though, and none of those other imposter toys). I chirp to them all the time. I make Very Big Biscuits to ensure everyone has a soft spot to lay. I’m an all-around sweet, quiet, and gentlemanly cat.

Before Christmas, I got really sick. We all knew it was serious cuz I couldn’t stand to be touched. They rushed me to the hospital (not my favorite place to go, BTW), and the doctors said I had a 107.5-degree fever. I felt like I was dying. I could tell Mom and Dad feared that, too.

After more poking and testing, they said I had FIP. I don’t know what that is, so I’ll let Mom tell you that part. All I know is I’ve been taking some new super-drug. And I’m doing great! I’ve gained my weight back. Best of all, I’ve returned to being my parents’ squish-ball. They say it’s a miracle. I know I couldn’t be happier!

squishy focused on his mouse
Squishy on Meds

A Message from Squishy’s Mom:

I’ve worked in the veterinary industry for 27 years, and I know that a diagnosis of FIP is a death sentence. My husband and I were crushed to hear it. It turns out that just six months ago, the FDA approved a new anti-viral drug. Squishy could only start his treatment so soon, thanks to some kind folks who had lost their little cat a few months earlier. They donated their medicine!

Squishy was getting better on the meds! There was hope! But because the drug is so new, it is expensive, and the recommended treatment time is 84 days. There was no way we could afford it. Enter the donors of Ellie’s Rainy Day Fund. We went from grieving our boy and preparing to say goodbye to being astounded that he was going to live to keep making us feel loved. It is a miracle. YOU are a miracle. Thank you does not seem adequate to express our gratitude and relief. But, as I write this, Squishy is here with me, laying in front of the keyboard (spell checking, no doubt) with his paw on my hand – and my heart is full.