You are life-changing for my son. Because you donate, people like us get to continue to cherish the most important parts of our lives. Thank you for helping Rosie. Thank you for helping my son. Thank you for helping me.
Hi! My name is Rosie. I am the luckiest dog in the world! I get to spend my time doing whatever is needed for my Dad. Humans call him “Down’s” and “autistic” and say he has “anxiety,” “depression,” and “panic attacks.” I simply call him PERFECT. Our family has had 10 special kids, but Dad is my best friend.
We fit together. I like to be close but not too close, and so does my Dad. I can sense what he needs, and I do it—Always.

Like when my Dad’s Dad had to be hospitalized for a bad problem during COVID time. None of us could see him. He was gone for a long time and never came home. My Grandma was so sad. I cuddled with her. I could tell my Dad was sad, too. He struggles to understand his feelings. It doesn't matter to me that he can't use his words to express himself because I understand him. People get upset because he doesn’t want them to comfort him with hugs or touches. But it's ok, because he cuddles and hugs me. I make him feel better.
My Dad is always sweet, kind, and loving, even when everything else is a mess. When he gets overwhelmed, he reaches over to pat me or calls me to come close. Sometimes, he just doesn't know how to handle things, and he just goes to his room. I quietly follow him and lay by his side. I can feel him relax as we sit quietly together in our own little world.

I’m getting older and I’m scared about who will comfort my Dad once I’m gone. So is Grandma. Dad needs me everyday.
My mouth started to hurt. I tried to eat, but I just couldn't. I really needed some help with my mouth to avoid infection, but that’s so expensive. Mom is already working really hard to support our family on her own.
I heard the vet say tooth problems can lead to infection which can spread throughout my body and kill me! I can’t go yet! I still have important support work to do! My family needs me.
A Message From Rosie's Grandma:
My deceased husband and I have adopted and raised ten disabled children. Every one faced huge physical and mental challenges. And every one has taught me how to love more deeply and to appreciate the quality of each moment.
Throughout all the recent losses in our lives—my other son and my husband dying, my becoming incapacitated from a knee injury, Rosie’s Dad developing syncope (fainted/collapses)—we have had Rosie to help us survive. For my son, she is crucial.
My son is always dreading questions he doesn’t know how to answer. People make him nervous. But with Rosie, he just goes to her and is accepted on his own terms. Where else could he ever get that?
You are life-changing for my son. Because you donate, people like us get to continue to cherish the most important parts of our lives. Thank you for helping Rosie. Thank you for helping my son. Thank you for helping me.