Moose’s Love Story

moose, parents, kid

We went from laying on the floor with our Moose crying and saying our goodbyes to getting told his surgery would be covered. We get to keep our family member and share many more birthdays, milestones, life changes together. There are just no words besides how blessed we are you guys chose us.

You know how there’s something you do that is ALWAYS helpful?
Something that makes your person feel better, and gives you comfort as well? For me that thing is holding paws with whomever needs help.

I learned when I was just a little pup that people relax when I put my paw on their hand. I discovered it makes me feel better too. So I started insisting that whoever I was with at any given time, hold my paw. Everybody can use a hand to hold—or a paw.

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Moose, puppy, adorable

Oh, excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Moose. Why Moose? Cuz at the big family naming meeting, my peoples’ sister-in-law threw that out and it stuck. I don’t know why it stuck. I’m a big guy but not massive. Except for my heart that is. I always hear my Mom saying I have a “heart as big as the sky”.

When I joined my family, my human brother was two. He immediately stole my heart. He seemed kind of alone to me. So I started doing everything with him. Still do! We play and snuggle. I read what he’s feeling and do what he needs.

When my boy—or Mom or Dad—needs help, I go to my special collection and gift them with a shoe. You know you’re loved when I either take, or offer you, a shoe. I don’t chew them. I just want to have them in my bed. In case I want to feel safe or when somebody else needs an object to know they’re loved.

Now when you hear I had to have surgery because I swallowed something that got stuck, you might guess it was a shoe. But you’d be wrong. It was actually a corncob from the neighbor’s yard. Hey, I just wanted to try it. But after days of constant vomiting, refusing food and ignoring shoes I realized that had been a bad idea.

boy lying on moose
moose, toy in mouth, cute

When I stayed sick, there was a family gathering.  We have a BIG family. Usually I love seeing everyone but I couldn't enjoy it because I was really, really sick.  Everyone was taking turns hugging on me and saying how much they loved me. And how much they were going to miss me.

I didn’t know just how close I’d come to saying goodbye to my family.  Dad had lost his job.  He said that their 'card' was full, so there was nothing to pay for my surgery. There were no options left except to put me to sleep.

On the morning the 'going to sleep' was about to happen Mom screamed and happy cried. She hugged me tight and kept telling me it was a 'miracle'. I heard her telling the family, “We went from laying on the floor with our Moose crying and saying our goodbyes to getting told his surgery would be covered." She kept telling me about someone named Ellie. They must be really special because mom kept saying how wonderful Ellie is. Now that I don't have to go to sleep, I hope I get to meet them. I bet I will give them my paw when I do.

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moose, parents, excellent

We went from crying tears of sadness to tears of just complete shock and happiness. It means the world to us and we will forever be thankful to the donors of Ellie’s Fund. We get to keep our family member and share many more birthdays, milestones, life changes together. There are just no words besides how blessed we are you guys chose us.